Monday, April 26, 2010

Nine Months

Cate is NINE months old?!
Where has the time gone? Everyday we're amused by the little expressions and pieces of her personality that shine through. We've been busy trying to sell the house, lots of lookers, but no one's made an offer yet, but we're hopeful that right person is coming soon!

Nine Month Stats
Height: 29.5 inches (97%)
Weight: 23lbs 14.8 oz (99%)
Head: can't recall, but 95%

Cate is a big girl, but our doctor isn't concerned that she's too big. He feels like she's going to slow the weight gain in the coming months as she becomes more mobile, we're also going to cut down on the amount of formula she's getting and add more "food" to her daily routine.

Cate is a VERY happy girl, but she does have her moments (especially when she needs some sleep). She has an infectious smile that keeps us smiling and laughing all day!

Cate loves her daddy, she had a big time playing with his hat this weekend after he got home from a round of golf with buddies from school.
See....Happy Girl

So cute!

Story time with Dad

Aren't I lucky?

She's on the move!

Getting faster everyday!

Hi Momma!

Clapping all the time!

Cate LOVES Maggie, she crawls all over her, loves to play with her collar

I just love this one

Smiling at Dad

Playing with her favorite toys

She's into everything

She wasn't a fan of being alone in the jumphouse at Harrison's 6th birthday

Cate and her Daddy

Sorry for the long post, but the computer is put away a lot of the time while we're showing the house. Cate is growing so fast and changing everyday, but loves her mama, dada and Maggie (though she can't say Maggie yet!). She's a great eater (as noticed by her size). We're getting our top teeth in, so we're not the greatest sleeper lately. She's loves to be heard-she will yell, yes yell, until you stop talking and pay attention to her (a habit we're trying to break). Daddy's graduation is next week, so we're looking forward to having family in town, I bet those teeth are finally in by then!


  1. She is too cute! Can't wait to see you all so soon! xoxo. Congrats to Lanny on Graduation!

  2. Congrats Lanny on Graduation! Cate is precious. Is she pulling herself up? I can't wait to squeeze her again.
