Thursday, April 1, 2010

Eight Months

So I'm a little late posting.....things are a bit crazy here in Durham these days.
I'm also late getting Cate's picture, we were in Utah on the actually 8 month day, and like I said we're a little busy around here trying to get ready to move (sell our house, buy a new one, find movers, find a job for me, childcare for Cate....the list goes on and on!)

Cate does a LOT of waving these days, especially while at Sam's and Target and especially to other little kids. She's a little delayed sometimes, and will wave once the person is gone, but it still makes her excited!

She is also clapping all the time, she loves getting a yea from mom and dad, so she does this often!

Still no crawling, but she is very efficient rolling wherever she wants to be. We're in trouble when she starts crawling! She's been a restless sleeper of late, mainly because the top teeth are coming in, so she wants to chew on everything.
Cate is still a happy little girl with mom and dad around, and she LOVES her Maggie!

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