Wednesday, February 2, 2011

18 Months

How can Cate be 18 months?!  Already?!  Cate has been a busy girl these days, she seems to do something new each day, and look like a little girl more and more each day.
She did great at her 18 month check up, growing like a weed, though her weight has slowed a bit (comparatively....I think she's just a lot busier than before!).
Height: 34 1/2 inches (>95%)
Weight: 28.3 pounds (91%)
Head: 19 1/4 inches (>95%)
(sorry the stats are for my records....and the baby book I will one day finish)

Cate is very independent these days, she rarely allows one of us to feed her or assist with her meal, and she insists on using one of our forks when we finish eating, but she's really pretty good at it now!
She's a little picky eating at times, vegetables have to been snuck into most meals, and cheese is by far her favorite food, she'd eat it all day every day if we'd let her.
She loves to read books at her table, and now she's started to draw at the table as well.
She talks all. the. time. We're working on our "please"/"peas" and "thank you"/thak du (that's what it sounds like to me).  
She loves to take you by the hand and lead you to where she wants something, the changing table (for the pacifier), the fridge for a snack, the pantry, her closet for old toys, the stairs (to get dad or mom).  She will do this repeatedly for hours, despite usually getting what she needs (not always what she wants).
She plays pretty well with other children, but we'll see if it's really true when she starts daycare.
Sleeps pretty regularly now, 2 hour nap mid day and 11-12 hours at night.
She's locked herself in the bathroom twice now (once on each of us) requiring us to remove the handle to get her out, she just can't figure out how to unlock it.
She still loves bath time, and loves to act like she's swimming in the tub.
She LOVES Maggie, and Maggie seems to love Cate.  When Cate cries in the morning or after nap, Maggie is waiting by her door for us to get Cate up.  Maggie just lets Cate use her as a jungle gym and crawls all over her, Maggie even shares her chair with Cate (now that Cate can get up on all the living room furniture).
She loves to play games, such as chase her around the room, imitation (make everyone do the same thing she does-she points at you until you do it....bossy, I wonder where she gets it?), peek a boo is a favorite right now-she covers her eyes and then says "peek boo".

Here are a few photos from the past month of Miss Cate

Lunch date with Easton, PB&J and Milk....only the finest.

She loves to get the alphabet books out and bring you each one to read, all 26 books.

Our "cheese" face

Maggie waiting for one of those snacks to come her way as they usually do.

A ponytail! Cate will not let me do more than a bow most days, so I was so excited to get her hair up!

I see Cate!

Peek a Boo!
Hard to believe we're closer to age 2 now....she's just growing so fast, and we love her more every day!

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