Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Candy Corn

Cate and I headed to Arkansas for Halloween since Lanny was on call and Aunt Ju Ju (my sister Julie) was going to be in town as well.  I decided to keep it pretty simple for Cate's costume this year, partly because she doesn't know the difference and because we were going to be traveling, the simpler the better!  I found a "pattern" for a candy corn dress on a sewing blog, here.  My lines aren't perfect, but I'm thrilled with how it turned out, and Cate was comfy all night in her fleece dress!

When we got to Hot Springs we headed over to Uncle Don and Aunt Kim's house to see everyone, Cate had a blast running in their yard chasing the dogs and all the balls (volleyballs and soccer balls).

Saying "hi" to Grandpa when he got over there

We took Cate over to Dr. Bill and Miss Elizabeth's house for trick or treating

Making sure Mom's still there

Yes, Cate wore her tennis shoes, she's too busy not to these days!

Enjoying one of the fabulous chocolate cookies Elizabeth made

With our hosts....I waited too long to get her picture with them!

There was lots of great Halloween toys to play with at their house!

Cate's second cousin Clara also came over that night.  I was amazed at how much better they interacted this time (the last time was this summer and they just weren't sure what to make of each other I think).

They both give great hugs

Clara shares really well, which is great with Cate since we're still working on sharing.....

Unfortunately we didn't get any picture with Aunt Ju Ju or Grandma, I kind of put the camera away the rest of the week.  We had a fun week, despite the cold we both came home with!

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