Sunday, August 1, 2010


We had a little party to celebrate Cate's first birthday last weekend and we had a great time!
Here's the party in pictures....lots of pictures!

I just love this photo of the birthday girl

Cate was all about Easton

Giving hugs....unrequested hugs

Easton was really a good sport about being chased for hugs, thanks E!

Cate's smash cake....or in her case, pick the sprinkles off one at a time cake....

Mr. Easton

Showing Aunt Laura how to do a little shopping during the party

Talking to Nana Julie, Aunt Hannah and Aunt Suzie who attended the party via Skype

Showing Dad her new baby doll from Aunt Laura

Attempting to get a family photo

A little bit better

Cate's cake with candles, these letters were from the diaper cake at my Hot Springs shower last year. Aunt Mitch made these letters especially for Cate to have at each birthday.

Cate enjoying Mom's beautiful (sarcasm) singing voice during Happy Birthday

Let the sprinkle picking begin.....

Dad opened one of the smaller cupcakes with no sprinkles...she had a little easier time smearing that one all over herself!

Cupcakes are serious business.

Cate and her birthday sign made especially for her

Playing with Grandpa after the other guests had left

Such a sweet girl

The paper flowers my mom and I made

Cate's "Year of Photos"

A little food, and a lot of photos of Cate

The sign on our front door for Cate's 1st birthday.

We had a great weekend, thanks to Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Mike for all their help getting our house cleaned up and put together for the party (especially playing with Cate so I could get a few things done!) I really can't believe a year has already passed, but Cate is so much fun right now, she's into everything....pulling out books, opening cabinets and drawers, and loving on Maggie. It's going to amazing to watch her grow this year!

1 comment:

  1. Love it, love it, love it!!! I can't believe she's already 1!!! You are so creative and I just can't get over everything you did, soo sweet!
