Friday, July 8, 2011


We've kept busy this summer, I can't believe June has come and gone already!
Here's bit of what we've been up....

Supper club...poor baby Charlotte looks a bit scared to be held by Cate

Charlotte and Trudy

Sarah and Easton
Somehow I didn't get a picture of Eloise and Parker that night, think they were busy playing in the yard.  Cate LOVES Parker, and will pretty much go wherever he goes when we all get together

We've played on the porch with our best friend Maggie

Maggie can't shake Cate for anything (and usually doesn't want to)

On our way to school one morning

We drive our car most evenings

We've been swimming a fair amount this summer, Cate LOVES to swim with us

Cate LOVES to swim with friends too!

But, occasionally we need a snack when we're at the pool

We had our first major wipeout running along the street at home (see the knee...we still talk about that one nearly daily now, and it's been over a month since she fell)

Michael Anne and sweet baby Parks
We go see sweet friends who've just had babies

We send Daddy silly pictures when he's at work

We put all our babies/animals at the table and give them small cups of fruit loops, and then we all color (sometimes on the walls, the furniture, the floors.....pushing boundaries daily)

We make momma and dada push our car while we walk beside it playing with our bubble gun

We put our sunglasses on ourself (yep, upside down)

We go to Arkansas to see Papa and Momo and swim in their pool

Sorry for one long post, but honestly most weeks run together around here.  Our camera had a sensor break, it's in the shop now, but we've not gotten as great pictures this summer without it!

Cate moved up to the 2 year old room at school, they felt she was getting bored with all the smaller kids (AND she was aggressively taking toys, pinching and biting a bit....).  She loves her new room and is constantly singing songs these days.  We're working on the "ABC"s song...I think we might be to "E" now.  We also sing the "Wheels on the Bus" song every time we see a bus, which is regularly going to and from school.  Lanny has finished his intern year, and is starting year two with a busy schedule, but it's hard to believe we've been here over a year.  I'm getting more comfortable in my clinic, and I'm really starting to love what I do, I've got a LOT to learn, but I like going to work and most days it's pretty rewarding.  Hope all is well in your world's, we'll try to keep up a little bit promises!

1 comment:

  1. Sassy pants! Dying at the pic of her posing in her suit!!
