Monday, May 9, 2011

Fort Worth Zoo

Nana Julie and Aunt Suzie were in Dallas at the beginning of April for their spring break, so we took advantage of Lanny being off and headed to Fort Worth to see the zoo.  We were little worried Cate might not be able to appreciate all the animals, but she had a blast and 3 hours flew by!

Headed out to see the animals

A view of the monkeys

Daddy checking out Cate's view of things

Silly guy

He was playing it up for visitors...

Very excited to see all the monkeys

One of the elephants eating grass

Cate's only concern....her juice box
Really reaching for it...see the back leg off the ground?!

Giraffes just relaxing

Suzie and "Bonnie" (Bluebonnet the elephant, Suzie used to come see her while she was a baby elephant when they lived in Texas)
Cate with Suzie and Nana

Daddy and Cate feeding the birds

These two were fighting over the little food stick

Having fun

Our pretty girl

family photo

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Cate liked the kangaroo statue

Let's jump!
Cate's been practicing her animal sounds....she can't wait to get back!

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