Thursday, July 15, 2010

Eleven Months

So, I am a little behind getting Cate's 11 month post up....things have been a bit out of sorts around here for the past month or so.....Cate was actually in Arkansas on the 23rd of June while Lanny and I were in Dallas waiting for our things to be delivered by the moving company. Well fast forward to LAST week and we finally got our things (that's right two WEEKS late).
In the meantime, we were living on a blow up bed, pack and play, and three folding chairs, so I wasn't able to get the "regular" picture we usually do for her monthly photo shoot.
This series of photos pretty much sums up Cate for the past!

She loves to tear and eat paper, so the sign didn't stand much of a chance this month.


Cate can't seem to stay still for any length of time now, and she really didn't want the elephant to just sit she kept knocking him over when I would stand it up.

Both sign

Sign, but Cate's done.
At 11 months, Cate had 6 teeth (3 top and 3 bottom) with one on top and bottom making their way through. She spent her entire time in Arkansas cruising on the furniture and dogs, trying to work her way into walking....which she promptly started doing once she arrived in Dallas (around the 25th or 26th).
Cate loves to eat....not too many things we've found yet that she doesn't like.
Cate is quite chatty, talking all the time. Right now she loves to make noises by moving her tongue back and forth. She of course loves to follow Maggie, tries to "pet" her, but we're saying the word "gentle" every time, since she more hits than pets.

It's so hard to believe that Cate is just a week away from turning 1! This time last year we were just anxiously waiting for this little one to arrive....though I guess she and the movers have the same calendar....she was almost two weeks late too!

1 comment:

  1. I love her moving all over the place, so typical for the age (oh and it lasts awhile:)
