Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Two Months

Cate had her 2 month check up on Monday and here are her stats:
Height: 23 3/4 inches (90%)
Weight: 12 lbs (84%)
Head: 15.7 inches (80%)

The doctor wants to keep an eye on her weight since she dropped to the lower 80%, but he wasn't overly concerned...just means we'll go back in a month for a weigh in. Cate also got her shots and she did great! She was a little fussy that night, but she was great by Tuesday morning.

Other milestones she's hit this month.....
-she grew out of her newborn sleepers, so we're on to the 3M sizes
-holding her head up well on her own
-tracking mom, dad and Maggie
-sleeping in her room now
-still eating frequently, at least every 3 hours

The picture didn't go so well this month, we were headed to Arkansas later that day and Cate was just not wanting her picture taken when I was ready to do it. She did great traveling though, more to come on that later!

1 comment:

  1. Great stats (even the weight seems good to me but of course I'm not a Dr. - I only play one on TV). Many of the pictures will not go according to plan but as you know that's the life with kids but it's also what you remember and cherish!
